


LUMIINDOOR is the selection of modern, stylish lighting solutions is designed to transform any indoor space into a beautiful, inviting atmosphere.

Indoor lighting plays an important role in creating the perfect ambiance for any room. Spotlights, down lights, wall lights, panel lights and pendant lights all work together to provide a well lit and inviting atmosphere. Spotlights are perfect for accentuating artwork or furniture, while down lights provide a soft, diffused light that’s great for general illumination. Wall lights can be used along the perimeter of a room to provide task lighting or subtle mood lighting. Panel lights are a great choice for illuminating a large area, while pendant lights provide a soft and stylish lighting option. Lastly, modular lights are perfect for adding a modern touch to any space. With the right combination of indoor lighting, any room can be transformed into a warm and inviting space.

Our goal is to create a multi-functional environment in your living space by utilizing a combination of track lighting, magnetic lighting, task lighting, and combo lights. Track lighting will provide overall illumination, while magnetic lighting will fill in the ambient lighting needs. Task lighting will be used to provide focused light for specific tasks, such as reading or writing, while combo lights will be used to provide more specific and focused light for certain tasks. This combination of lighting will create a warm, inviting atmosphere in my living space, while also providing an ideal setting for completing any task.
